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Claus Andersen
Freelance tour guide and travel consultant and travel blogger.

I have worked in travel and tourism since 1990. I currently work as a freelance tour guide and travel consultant and is on the road +300 days a year. I am also blogging about my travels. I have been to +75 countries and generally visit at least 20 countries every year.

July 2018
1 event
I work as a freelancer in travel and tourism and have done so for more than 25 years.

Recent comments

  • As a person who makes the majority of my income from tour guiding and also have a decent little side income from travel blogging, I can only say that I am doing quite well. In regards to tour guiding, 2022 was actually been my busiest year ever. Conside... show more

  • 🌍 On the road for +300 days, but I am registered as living in Denmark, where I spent 50-60 days a year. πŸ›© +50. Do not know the exact amount. 🚞 No idea at all. I take the train 2-3 times a week at the moment. But in some places, like the Azores and Madei... show more

  • 🌍 I'm partly based in Denmark, but on the move most of the year, both for work and fun. I have lived nomadic for more than 30 years and is only in Denmark right now, due to my fathers declining health. πŸ’» I'm a freelance tour leader, Taking tour groups... show more

  • I am on the Azores right now, taking a group of Danish hikers on a tour of 3 islands. Really nice to have travel and tourism going again. There are actually a fair number of foreign visitors on the islands right now.


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