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Monika Zuberova
Destination and community management
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Traveling - Spirituality - Self-development - Human Design.
I am a travel enthusiast and experiences seeker. Always in the mood to travel and connect with people. Eager to merge my passion for traveling and spirituality with a new occupation. Ready to start working as a freelancer - in Prague and worldwide. Currently based in Prague, Czech Republic working as a travel trade specialist in destination management (Travel Advance, Dubai Tourism). I am open to connecting with ongoing projects where I can apply my knowledge, skills and passion. Working in a family business - eshop with Peruvian products - with some ideas for Peru as destination..

November 2022
Prague, Czech Republic - open to travel/relocate
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I want to connect with similar-minded people and possibly join an interesting travel-related project. Searching for a new role in travel industry.

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  • In 2020 I discovered the amazing tapas culture in Almería, Spain. Let me share with you my experience and encourage you to visit this amazing city and region, to enjoy local Spanish food but also the sea, natural park Cabo de Gata, flamenco, and much mo... show more