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Olivia Balsinger
Travel Journalist, travAlliance Media

Travel and writing are two words that have resonated with me from a wee age. I spent my first year out of college working for the elite travel firm, Academic Arrangements Abroad. ( While participating on FAM trips for the firm, I would write for Yahoo Travel. ( I then started bringing my travel to a new level--left my 9-5 desk job to travel write full time for the trade publication, travAlliance media. I have since written about 15 full spreads of 2,000 plus words each for Agent@Home and Vacation Agent Magazines and have represented as a freelance journalist in more than 15 countries. Keen on further exploring this beautiful world and writing about it. Based in New York City when not on the road.

November 2015
United States
3 events
I have written for numerous travel publications (travAlliance media, Yahoo Travel) and am keen to keep networking

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