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“Raising for Change” supports world causes through travel photography

Interview with LA-based founder Kirsten Alana
Created by Maria Stoyanova
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Raising for Change was founded during the pandemic as a way to raise money for racial justice issues, equality, human rights and planet protection through impactful photography.

Kirsten Alana is the founder of Raising for Change and a full time travel photographer who has worked in more than 60 countries and on six continents for clients ranging from Four Seasons and Air France to Ted Baker and Amarula. She is a Chapter Leader for Los Angeles and resides in West Hollywood.

Read the full story behind Raising for Change.

How was the idea about ‘Raising for Change’ born?

The idea behind Raising for Change has been stewing in my head for years, actually, but 2020 really galvanized my desire to spend more of my time doing things that help others. I’ve got hundreds of ideas, they wake me up in the middle of the night sometimes! But selling images with other photographers and seeing the proceeds of that raise money for causes that help change the world, that seemed like the easiest to launch.

I didn’t have a name but my good friends Rick and Spadge in the UK suggested Raising for Change during a conversation we were having and I loved it so much that I bought the URL and claimed the social accounts immediately.

Once I’d done that, it was just a matter of going back to other photographers who had expressed an interest in the idea before and letting them know I was going forward.

What is ‘Raising for Change’ about?

Raising for Change ( is a give + get store, where myself and Guest Photographers sell their images to raise money in the form of prints and mobile wallpapers with more products to come in the future. Our profit goes toward causes that are changing the world for the better.

What are some of the causes that are supported?

Right now we’re supporting:

* Edinburgh Food Project (

* The Foodbank of Southern California (

* Wildlife Direct (, Tomorrow’s Air (

* The Ocean Cleanup (

* World Central Kitchen (

* Ecology Outdoors (

* the Global Giving COVID Relief Fund (

* Shepherd’s Gate (

I hope to add causes working to impact racial justice and human rights as we add more Guest Photographers. I’d like to work with BIPOC creators who usually understand best what causes we need to be supporting in their communities. Because I know I don’t know everything when it comes to where money should be directed to do the most good.

What are some of the photographers part of the project?

So far it’s myself, Marissa Wu (, Dante Vincent ( and Wasim Muklashy ( I have quite a few other photographers who have committed to being a part of Raising for Change soon. I’m excited to see it grow.

How can Travel Massive community get involved?

Helping spread awareness of Raising for Change and what we’re trying to accomplish would be incredible! A few media members of Travel Massive have already featured us in Giving Tuesday articles or told me they’re planning to and I am so grateful for that.

People can also support us on Patreon ( so that all proceeds from sales can continue to go to the photographers and the causes and not the upkeep and maintenance of Raising for Change itself. I do not, nor will I be taking a salary from this project.

I’d be happy to have Travel Massive members as customers of course. And I am open to having an advisory board too if any members are interested in that, I’d be honored to hear from them.

– Thank you, Kirsten, for sharing your story.

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