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Combine trains, buses and carpooling in Europe
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🚌 Tictactrip is a multi-modal search engine for flight-free, responsible travel in Europe.

The platform combines bus, train and carpooling trips across Europe into an easy to book trip.

• Book your trip in 3 clicks
• Choose between an economical trip, responsible transportation or a fast trip.
• Tictactrip's trip search service is free, and the company is based in Paris.

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Founder, Travel Massive

I love discovering new travel search engines, and was surprised I hadn't come across Tictactrip earlier! Thanks to Travel Tech Essentialist newsletter for the tip-off :)

The company is based in Paris, and claims to have multi-modal (travel connected by different modes of transport) coverage across over 4800 cities in 15 countries, provided by 200 suppliers.

If you've used Tictactrip please let us know what you think!

PS: For those of you attending ITB Berlin (and our PARTY) this would be a great way to find your way there if you're based in Europe!

7 days ago (edited)